Plumeria Tim & Amy Photo Blog

Sunday, April 03, 2005


Well... Amy saw this little bugger at school, and called to tell me how cute he was -and mentioned he needed a home. I jumped at the idea, so now we have a guinea pig! Tiki is very cute, and a little shy. He is still only a baby piggie, and makes the funniest noises (kind of a warble cooing when he is happy) - it is very endearing. We love Tiki, and were thinking about getting him a buddy to play with while we are gone at work (they like to be social).


  • Too CUTE!!! I'm jealous... Handsome Hubby is not one for little furry things.

    Great pics, keep it up! Did I tell you... it looks like we're going to Kauai? :-D

    By Blogger Rock Star Mama, at April 06, 2005  

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