Plumeria Tim & Amy Photo Blog

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

In-Vince- Able

Vince Young was amazing tonight. I was rooting for USC to the bitter end, because well... I live in Trojan Country -but I take my hat off to the long-horns. It was the best football game I can remember, and the So Cal boys did a good job. There was nothing they could do against this guy. In recognition of his great achievements tonight, he will be the first in my hopefully long and successful list of Haiku Wednesday offerings:

Vince gazes downfield
Agile motions emanate
Trojans standing still


  • Did you see the USC kid sing the UT song, that was my friend's little bro-- Hilarious, he had to do it since he lost a bet

    By Blogger Alana, at January 07, 2006  

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