Plumeria Tim & Amy Photo Blog

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Trains to Great Places

My little sister has a good grasp of "the funny" (see her blog here). My older sister has a good grasp of the absurdity of babies (see her blog here)...together I think we have some good old sibling blog rivalry showing up. Which reminds me- check out I see Evan waiting to enter the fray of the vlog war.

Ok-back to me- I have been trying to get out hiking a few times a week. I figure along with my yoga, and walking to work- the exercise would be a good balance for my newfound snickerdoodle obsession. The bakery here in Helena, Park Ave Bakery, is probably the best thing in town...a very close second (maybe first) is the Black Foot Brewery. You can have delicious baked goods and beer at my place anytime.

Today's picture is from a hike I took a few months back- in Glacier National Park...This train travels from the Puget Sound where I grew up, to the National Park...where I was hiking. A few weeks before this I met a man who spent his youth on this very train, traveling through the rockies and cascades as a guide to train passengers.

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