Plumeria Tim & Amy Photo Blog

Monday, August 20, 2007

Very Large Camp Fires in Montana

(Not Tim or Amy Pictured)
Every few days here in Helena, I get a campfire smell blowing through my window. It reminds me of the summer trips the McGee clan would make out to Yellowstone. So, it is with fond memories that I drift off to sleep- smoke and ash blowing through my apartment- and I realize I'm enjoying the burning landscape. I realize not everyone can be so romantic about the forest fires...but for the most part they are a part of the summer landscape here in the Rocky Mountains. The most local fire to Helena is the Meriwether fire- From our newspaper this morning.

"The lightning-caused Meriwether fire began July 21 and has burned nearly 43,000 acres in the Gates of the Mountains Wilderness Area and remains 75 percent contained."

Early forecasts said the fire would likely burn until September- part and parcel of mountain living.


  • Hey Tim & Amy
    Long time, no talk, email me!
    The email I have for you doesn't work!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at September 25, 2007  

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