Plumeria Tim & Amy Photo Blog

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Nice Folks

This photo quality pretty much says it all (and it was the best one of the bunch!). I have to recommend Javiers, the Chimichanga was about a 1/2 pound of crispy goodness. The bar we went to had fantastic music, and was packed by 10 or 11. Can't remember the name- didn't pay too much attention to the details. I remember feeling bad for the guy who was hit by a brick (nobody I knew)- about 5 cop cars came out of nowhere, I think the fire truck even stopped by- In Laguna, a brick fight gets the whole police corps out in force. Where I live you could shoot mortar fire at someone and nobody would budge.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Cuteness Sells

This is the cuteness I have to put up with all the time. This little fella is up for adoption, and I get an e-mail from Amy today- "isn't he cute?". How could anyone refuse? Usually when she says that about some critter- I cave instantly, and plead with Amy to adopt the little guy. I don't know how but we didn't end up with him... Don't worry, there will be a next time.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

California Driving

OK- I like the composition of this photo: it makes me sick in a dizzy way, and gives the effect that I'm driving while I take this photo (I am).

This is getting better- I have figured out how to drive with my knee- keep the camera straight, and talk to Amy on the Cell phone all at the same time.

Ok this is worse- not sure what happened here- I think the window started to close or something, or a good song on the radio came on....I should video tape this next time.

Ok so the best way to take a photo in the car is to use the windshield to block the wind so you can hold the camera steady, taking the picture in front of you as you drive instead of hanging your camera out the window.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Cascade of Wild Animals

Fluffy here - a Cascade Wolverine, was recently captured, tagged and measured in the Mountains just outside where I grew up (ok , within a 4-5 hour drive). I had no idea there were wolverines in the Cascades. For some reason, it makes the Cascades better then they were yesterday. Combine this nifty find, with the search for Malaysian 'Snaggle Tooth Ghost' in and I think Sasquatch is still out there somewhere, watching us, waiting for us to leave the picnic table, and steal our socks with holes in the toes.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

A Brilltastic Idea?

There is a company out there called Aeros Corp that is leading the charge in the next wave in Blimp technology. I have met people who are fascinated by blimps. I think blimps are mildly entertaining, kinda like penguins - it's cute to see them try and move around. But, Areos is creating a luxury liner for the skies, that can go from San Francisco to Boston in 18 hours, or it can be converted into an adventure travelers dream boat- where you can go where no road or boat can take you. With no runway or road needed, the next generation of blimps may be the perfect thing for our crowded cities. This gave me an idea- a brilliant and fantastic idea!

The above picture is my proto-type model for the PBD (Personal Blimp Device) I whipped up again from TimAmy Designs. About the size of a large SUV the PBD is a vertical take off and landing device. Using fly by wire, electric motors, GPS, Autopilot, Radar, Video Camera, and solar/hydrogen power- this is the commuting vehicle of the future. Simply hop in- use the google interface (google Earth) to show where you want to go- and sit back and enjoy the ride.

My initial estimates based on no research again, show that this device could be mass produced for around $60,000 a pop, and have a top speed of 130 mph. On a windy day you could probably get this baby up to 180!

As always- we are accepting donations for development of this project: Email us. We hope to have a working prototype up and running by 2008. Happy Travels!

**Update*** Apparently the challenge here is to create a light enough structure, that you can reduce the engine size, and also provide enough lift (with forward propulsion)- this works in scale- which is why large blimps make sense but small ones have a tough go of it. But don't worry- again based on no research- I think a carbon nanotube/crosslinked structure should provide the light/weight and ridgidity I'm looking for. Heck- expect a production model by 2009.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Care of Magical Creatures

Ok- so check out the site- Care of Magical Creatures -really I'm just happy that I figured out how to make this kind of a map.


I love spring in the Northwest; the long rains of winter give way to the short rains of spring. And at this time of year, the wisdom of the locals can be heard several times a day-
"Did ya know that colors are actually more vibrant under a cloudy sky?"

Well, it must be true because in the spring I always loved visiting the Tulip fields in Skagit Valley- not to see the tulips, but because I thought it was funny people would drive 1 hour into the country to stand in the rain and take photographs like the one above. Just kidding, I take those photographs every chance I get.

This year, my parents sent us some Tulips for valentines day-I love it! It reminds me of when I lived in a place that didn't have bleached out colors, 90 degree February weather, and brown skies. I guess the grass is always greener under a cloudy sky!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Approach to Field

Every Tuesday and Thursday I play Ultimate Frisbee with co-workers. One of the best things about California is you can actually plan things like this and have it be a standing arrangement -because the weather will always be pretty good. I took this photo last week, and just missed taking a picture of a ground squirrel and a bunny that were in the field. I'll be quicker next time.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Older I Get

The older I get the more lotions, pills, and health foods find their way into my daily life. Getting old sucks- I'll have to look into fixing that. (Noxzema and Aveeno are not sponsors of this blog- but if they want to throw some cash my way....)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Day II- So-Cal on Fire

I braved walking to the edge of the parking lot where I work to catch this gripping image of Anaheim Hills on fire. I made it out ok.

Monday, February 06, 2006

So-Cal on Fire

Southern California has four distinct seasons; Fire Season, Smoggy Season, Rainy Day, Dry Season.

You can see the progression. It rains one day in June, the plants grow. The plants dye in the dry season (June- May), then it all catches on fire, and everything becomes smoggy until one day it rains in June. The circle of life.

I've got to start taking my camera places. I walked outside of my cube to catch a few rays at lunchtime and found that it was snowing- ash. Literally, it looked like I was walking through snow. Apparently, Anaheim is on fire (the hills around Anaheim to be specific). Nobody much seemed to care - even my co-workers who live there– I'm told it happens all the time.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Referendum Against Dirty Referees

RADR's mission is to stop events similar to those that took place this Sunday: 2/06. I'm not saying the referees were making bad calls, I'm saying they were payed off. Not only was every questionable call in the Steelers favor, they blatantly missed calls throughout the game against the Steelers.

There have been rumors that someone saw an exchange of envelopes after the game. I'm wathcing, and I will find out where the money came from... Steelers should change their name to Bribers. (Yeah I photo-hacked it)

Friday, February 03, 2006

Bath time for Cosmo

Every week we give Cosmo and Hailey baths- they squeak a little about it, but in general Cosmo puts up with it pretty well. Hailey will flip out on occasion, and start squealing bloody murder.

You can see why Cosmo hates bath time, he looks like a wet rat. He usually looks much more fluffy. It is a slow week for news and events.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Blog Issues

This is where I wish I was now- from our trip to the BVI, I think this is somewhere around the 'baths'.

I had a very cool flickr slideshow thing going- but turns out I can't figure out how to expand my comments section to more then the 460 pixles it is right now and still have it look decent. Not your problem I know...but still. Maybe a re-design...