Plumeria Tim & Amy Photo Blog

Monday, January 30, 2006

Stargate for Rocks

On Monday nights there is 5 hours of Stargate re-runs on Sci-Fi. It is on in the background right now as TiVo thinks we will watch every Stargate SG1 episode ever made (already have...). The reason for this sad little fact is that when I looked at this picture - it looks like these rocks (hills) are in the process of running for the Stargate. I've named the one on the far right ONeil.

This is actually a decent picture I took when we were moving out to California from Maryland.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Stunning Updates

For those of you who don't explore every link on TimAmy, the Astronomy Picture of the day is usually worth a glance. This is a picture of Hekla (a volcano) and the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) in Iceland. Good Stuff.

In other news, if you have an aggregator (Fireant is popular I hear) or the very easy to use google reader - you can automatically aggregate TimAmy photoblog! This means you don't have to go visit all of you favorite sites every day, they can come to you. Take a look at the right side of this blog, and under 'Bloggy Tricks' you will find the two most popular 'feed' types. Basically, just feed these feeds into the aggregator of choice (fireant or google reader) and they should bring you my blog, with your morning slippers, coffee, and other news worthy items. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

'Tis The Season of Citrus

Right around my Dad's birthday every year, I receive a gift in the mail. It is a box of Citrus. Specifically, Honeybell Tangelo's. The sweet juicy oranges are always a welcome gift to the new year. This years batch was quite good; very sweet, and nicely flavored. Walking through my kitchen I noticed that not only did I have a plethora of oranges, but quite a few lemons and limes (I was a little overzealous in purchasing citrus for the Tiki Bar drinks this past weekend). One of the great things about California is all of the citrus you find everywhere- even in my house!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

My little spoof of google a few years back. The website was only up for around 3 months, but I also hacked all of googles tasty 'olympic' pictures and turned them into TimAmy graphics. I'll have to find those and post 'em. Stay tooned.

The other pictures are on my other computer- I'm too lazy to actually get a flash drive out of my pocket, and transfer the files- it's not on my network, so maybe by tomorrow I'll have them up.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Giant Petrified Cats of China Town

So, I was up in Reno a few weeks back- gambling away my buckets of cash. I must have been up a million if I was up a buck. I kept ordering Mai Tai's from the waitress, and betting it all on black. Later on I learned Amy found my trying to bet 'black' at the 'black jack' table. Outraged that I couldn't bet 'black' at a game that had the word 'black' in the title, I threw my chips at the dealer, and found myself out on the curb. Lucky for me, none of that story is true. Instead I was hanging out at the Starbucks cafe in Reno waiting for Amy's conference to get out. Afterwards we sailed on down to the Foggy City by the Cold Cold Sea (San Francisco) where it was unseasonably hot (summertime). It was there that I found a group of vet students examining the worlds largest petrified kittens.

Apparently, this Chinese breed of cat has lived in the area of China Town since it's founding in the 1800's. Over time the locals bred their cats to be ever larger. Some say this was done as a crazy scheme to make cats a viable source of food. Others have speculated these cats were used to guard treasure from thieves. Whatever the reason, the cats became so large they couldn't move. Over time the combination of wind blown beach sand, cold cold fog, acid rain, and the cloud of marijuana hanging over the place turned the cats to stone. Now, veterinary students from around the world come to study the giant petrified cats of China Town.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Where in the World?

I have been daydreaming a lot recently, mostly about vacation. I took this picture last year, and hope to take more this year. Who knows where this is- exactly. And for extra points what is in the picture.

Friday, January 20, 2006

A good Sherpa is hard to find

This photo is from a recent expedition into the Mountains behind Santa Barbara. I imported the best Sherpa I could find (Ian from Eastern Washington) to carry my equipment. We braved torrential downpours, and discovered that hiking in a ravine isn't the best idea during a Southern California rainstorm.

Ian: "My sherpa sense tells me we should walk in the stream up the mountainside"
Me: "ummm...go for it sherpa, I'm going to stick with walking on the trail."
Ian: "I do this in the backcountry all the time, it is the best way to the top."
Me: "It looks wet."

Right then a rock the size of a Volvo crashed through the underbrush down the hillside into the stream about 50 feet in front of us-where the sherpa would be standing, had he not had to lug me up the hill. The loud crack of rock on rock echoed down the canyon, hushing all wildlife to silence.

Ian: "My sherpa sense tells me not to walk in the stream...."

I quickly realized I hadn't paid enough for my sherpa (promise of a ham sandwich), so we took a quick photo, and escaped from the crumbling canyon. I guess you get what you pay for.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Rare Sighting

It was tricky - but I was able to capture an image 'LA Snowflake' outside of Jamba Juice in Pasadena. Rumor has it the LA snowflake has been shooting a new WB picture, since it was let go late last week from Disneyland's Main Street holiday effects show. While in Pasadena, I ran into noted Caltech Professor 'Krazy Flake Kenny'. Kenny has been hunting the elusive snowflake for years, and has quite a collection of rare photos I was dyeing to get my hands on. He gave me a few pointers of how to capture the elusive LA snowflake; so I should be able to keep you up to date on any future snowflake news items.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Cute Overlord: Part Deux

This is one of Amy's favorites from the website. I laugh when I see it because I know exactly what each one is thinking:

Dog: "WTF mate?"
Rabbit: "uhhhh...huh?"
Cat: "Vell...wat hav vee heeer?" (all cats have a German accent)
Hamster: "Holy Shit, I'm Screwed." (all hamsters have potty mouths)

Cute Overlord Says: go to

Cute Overlord - bring thy wisdom. I know, I've seen the website on every blog. But I had to join in with today's post- basically because this is my pet 'Robo'. Well, not really, but it's the same species of hamster, and to be honest- they all look the same. I just don't have a picture as overwhelmingly cute as this. And for all of you sharp spellers out there- yes the website is actually, and has nothing to do with an overlord, I just thought the idea of a very cute all seeing all knowing overlord who looked like this fluffy guy was funny.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Tiki Madness

From the 'Just In Case You Missed It' files (or JICYMI), I love Tiki. The link to my new favorite podcast is over to the right, but if you can't find that, you can click here. While Tiki Bar TV amuses me on a monthly basis - It's just not enough Tiki. So, I started to look for all things tiki, and while I will not simply list them- but slowly post them over the rest of this year, I have found some fascinating stuff on Curacao.

1. It's a country - not just a drink!
2. All Curacao does not taste the same
3. All Curacao tastes pretty much like a less sweet version triple sec (some bitterness)
4. Curacao is actually Clear -the blue, green, orange, etc... are food dye.
5. For a Mai Tai you are suppose to use Orange Curacao, but nobody would notice Blue Curacao after a few. (or triple sec with some bitters)
6. There is only one true Curacao - from the island itself!

Tiki God says Curacao Good!

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Ok, So I'm more of a fairweather fan - but I think I have put in enough time rooting for the hawks over the past 27 years, without much in return, to just toon in when they are going to win the Super Bowl. Hey I remember the remember the BOZ? I still think of Steve Largent as the best receiver ever! -GO HAWKS!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Death, Taxes, and Traffic in the (not so) Frozen North

On a recent business trip to Palmer Alaska I came face to face with Chinook Winds, Freezing Rain, and Icicles the size of a Buick. Without a doubt the further from 'civilization' I get the more I like the people I find. The alarmed town folk couldn't stop discussing the 'tropical' weather, and were convinced global warming was the culprit. Without exception everyone I met told me the past decade has seen less snow and warmer weather. I told them not to worry - I had spent the last two years in the deserts of Los Angeles, and while it does get quite hot, there is always another air conditioned mall to slip into. I'm still not sure why everybody found this funny.

One of the best things about business traveling is the places you get to go- places you would otherwise never go, or find. In preparation for my outings I use google maps to chart my destination. But, while in Alaska I noticed they take perverse pleasure in torturing travelers. All of the street signs were sprayed with snow (couldn't see any signs), and once you are out of a 'cosmopolitan' area there simply are no signs. Upon calling my clients for directions I ran into another interesting local phenomenon - how people name their roads.

-Phone Call-
after normal phone pleasantries....

me: "I'm on the 1 heading east, then I think I should get on the 3, is that right"
Client: "The one, what's that?"
me: "uh... the highway"
Client: "Glenn Highway?"
me: "I guess- there is only one highway in Alaska right?"
Client: "well.. there are 3- and you want to take the Glenn Highway, or you can take the old Glenn Highway -they go to the same place. Just don't go to Fairbanks."
me: "OK, how do I know if I'm on the Glenn highway?"
Client:"are you heading towards Fairbanks?"
me: "not sure, I don't know what road I'm on- I was trying to get on the 1"
Client: "Not sure I've ever heard of the 1, maybe it is a new road."
me:" OK, I'm sure I'll find it."
Client: "OK, good luck - if you go to Fairbanks, you've gone too far."
me: "OK thanks.."

Amazed that my cell phone was still working, I ended up calling home and getting Amy to read off the side streets in hopes that I would see one I recognized- it worked, and I figured out I was indeed on the Glenn Highway, not yet heading towards Fairbanks. Whew.
All of this however, led to a new idea: I propose a method for judging the 'Culture Scale' of an area based on the number (lower is better) and the creativity of nomenclature for their highways.

My examples:
-Plentiful Freeways- (culture scale =0)
Los Angeles: The 210, The 101, The 57 etc,405, I5.....all numbers. And there are so many to get someplace you almost always have to take 3 freeways- even if it is only 3 miles- The exception to this rule is if you are talking about an intersection of 2 or more major freeways like the one in orange county where the 5, the 57, the 55, and the others meet up is called the "Orange Crush" -clever, but not part of the system- thus with plentiful freeways (never a good thing) and no creativity- they get a score of 0.

-Handfuls of Freeways- (culture scale =60)
Seattle has: I5, I90, 405 "the S-curves", "ship canal bridge", "the cut"... areas of the freeway have names, usually related to the shape of the land or local culture- adds a touch of class to the commute. There are freeways, but you can also find 'back-roads' without crossing over a million freeway on-ramps. Thus, in Seattle they have creatively named sections of their sparse freeways. - they get a score of 60.

-Three freeways- (culture scale =90)
Alaska has the Glenn Highway, the Old Glenn Highway, and the Parks Highway. Also, a local told me that there is a 5 mile stretch of road named 'moose kill' highway- they keep a running count from June to June of each year of how many moose get hit by cars. 2004-2005 was a good year with only around 300 hit by cars. (that's a lot of moose). To sum it up, Alaska has only a few freeways to get to major sections of the state, and they apparently have colorful names like 'moose kill'. -they get a score of 90.

I have to mention a few East Coast things here while I'm at it... I loved the street names in Maryland- "Lost Knife", "Muddy Branch", -they evoke such great images, tell a little story.
But this is for 'Freeways' how come everything on the east coast is a Toll road? I mean really. How long do they expect people to keep paying for a road that I'm sure has already paid for itself 50 times over. Not to mention Toll booths are an instant traffic jam. Which brings me back to Alaska-
I was mildly upset when I ran into a traffic jam outside of Anchorage- seems there are three things you can't avoid - Death, Taxes and Traffic.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hamster Track 4000

Tonight I give you - The HamTrack 4000 -

Created by TimAmy designs, this 3D mock-up of the HamTrack 4000 is based on no actual research. However, after years of watching dwarf hamsters race away on their 'wheels' we noticed that most of them enjoyed using their forelimbs for their 'forward' propulsion. We also noticed that several of our hamsters actually enjoy trying to run 'on top' of a wheel. This design mimics the top of a wheel, but decreases the long drop to the floor. The design enables a hamster to better 'climb the ladder' - where they place their butt on the ground and spin the 'wheel' with the forelimbs.

The HamTrack4000 was first designed last year- but sadly is not yet available for purchase - and a working prototype is awaiting funding (if anyone is interested in funding the hamtrack feel free to leave a note to tips [at] timamy [dot] com)

p.s. Sorry about last night everyone - Cosmo kept bugging me that he wanted to type- even though he doesn't know how to spell Hay correctly, and his paws kept messing up the type setting. After all the commotion I had to promised Hailey and Robo spots next week- oh well.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Correspondent Cosmo

Tim asked me to take a few moments out of my busy schedule and write tonight's entry. He mumbled something about a full hour of scrubs, but then some fresh hey caught my eye and I just agreed. Soooo, here it goes.

I had a great time meeting Amy's family last week, even though I tend to be shy at first, I warmed up to them. It was nice to have people around all the time- they feed me treats when I put my paws up on the cage and give a little squeek. I'’m not as loud as my girlfriend Hailey – and no we don't have any babies, and frankly I don't want to discuss- but I think my fluffy good looks go a long way with the ladies in getting some between meal hand outs.

On another note- what is with the weekly baths! I mean come on - what is that for anyway! My coat is suppose to be water resistant, the water should just bead up and roll off- but the clever jerks use some sort of soap. I'm not a fan of the towel process either, and I'’m putting in for food compensation for time lost, and emotional distress. All in all though, it has been a fun week. I found a new hobby; Pigloo tipping. I just put my nose under the Pigloo and it flips right over- Hailey thinks it is best thing since I was neutered. Alas, it looks like my time is up, I hear Tim getting out of the lazy chair. Maybe I'’ll get a treat!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Sea World -a whale of good time

We had a great time at Sea World, and my favorite part is always the whales. But this time, I think I left with a few more questions then answers.

1) Have you ever noticed that they call all the whales Shamu?
2) At the beginning of the show they point out that some dorsal fins are bent, and ask the audience what they think - some cute kid thought this ones dorsal fin was bent because the tip was too heavy. But they never answer the question- so why is it bent, huh?
3) The whales can jump out of the water, and splash people -do they ever jump between their pools (they have multiple pools- check out the one behind this guy jumping)?
4) Why don't they have the whales jump through that giant wreath?
5) Why are all the trainers named becky, becki, or some other derivation?
6) During the performance we saw, one of the whales seemed grumpy - do they have bad days, and if so, shouldn't the trainers be scared? (sorry beckie to give you nightmares)
7) Do the whales get vacations?
8) How strong is their union?

Well, that's about it. We really did enjoy the show. The whales have their own website - check it out, and they also have a newsletter (PDF) - but I wish it was written from the standpoint of the whales.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Sci-Fi Friday

In the grand scheme of things, I think the fact that both Amy and I love this show is proof that our love was destined. For those of you not familiar with the best show on TV... all I can say is - what the frack are you thinking? I love Sci-Fi Season.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Toon Town Strikes Back

Amy's brother found out the hard way that you do not want to piss off Mickey Mouse. Apparently Mickey contracts the goons from toon town to do his 'dirty' business.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

In-Vince- Able

Vince Young was amazing tonight. I was rooting for USC to the bitter end, because well... I live in Trojan Country -but I take my hat off to the long-horns. It was the best football game I can remember, and the So Cal boys did a good job. There was nothing they could do against this guy. In recognition of his great achievements tonight, he will be the first in my hopefully long and successful list of Haiku Wednesday offerings:

Vince gazes downfield
Agile motions emanate
Trojans standing still

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Snack Attack @ Disney

Now, I don't know when Dill Pickles became the rage snack food at Disney. What ever happened to the delicious Elephant Ear- all that butter and cinnamon -mmmmmm butter. But, the Dill Pickle was refreshing, and paired well with the granola, fruit cups, and pineapple wedge I forced down for a total of around $100. Also, please ignore the booty in the picture on the right- I tried to tell her I was taking a picture of the pickle, but she thought I was making a joke... oh well - I guess there are worse things then being chased off by an irate women holding a frozen pickle.

Monday, January 02, 2006

LaLa Land Star -Trek

Good old Bill Shatner was the highlight of my walk on the walk of fame (Boston Legal is pure genius). On the first full day in LA LA land we visited Mann's Chinese Theater (not Chinese Man's Theater). In front of the theater is where you will find all the famous footprints and handprints -often thanking Sid Grauman himself. There are many more pictures of our trip to LA, and I will see what I can do to set up a photo album on-line somewhere for those of you interested in seeing what didn't make the blog cut. (my Paul Anka 'star' photo is better - but really I just took the picture because of Gilmore Girls.)

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year 2006- blog away -one a day

Hello 2006 - Yes you heard right - a blog entry every day. (New Years resolutions and all that.) This week I will be posting pictures from Amy's family trip out to L.A.! We certainly enjoyed having them out here, and can't wait for the next trip. This picture is Amy's Mom considering a dip in the Pacific.

On another note - I learned a new trick for planning a 'city tour'. The nifty combo of google maps, and wcities can get you where you want to be. You can even download the tour to the new iPod and take it with you on your adventures.